2024-08-29 / 最終更新日時 : 2024-08-29 mm11jpm New what is Nemawashi? Root-Turning? Do you know the Nemawashi used in the business scene? Nemawashi is a part of Japanese business culture which i […]
2024-08-03 / 最終更新日時 : 2024-08-03 mm11jpm New Why people use ‘Tsumori’ when excusing? You have leaned ‘ Tsumori’ which describes your plans in the textbook. 8時に 学校に行くつもり です I am planni […]
2022-09-01 / 最終更新日時 : 2022-09-01 mm11jpm New How to determine the verb-masu sentence whether it is a present tense or a future tense? Sometimes beginners students are confused in between present tense and future tense for the verbs in Japanese. […]
2022-04-05 / 最終更新日時 : 2022-04-05 mm11jpm New Chotto…ちょっと means always ‘ a little bit’? Why ちょっと is used frequently and casually? Is it the meaning of ‘ a little bit’ always? 1おかしを ちょっと […]
2021-12-15 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-12-15 mm11jpm New Why ‘ Good morning’ is used in the workplace even in the afternoon in Japan? Have you ever heard the greeting in the workplace as ‘おはようございます’ even in the afternoon? As looked […]
2021-09-15 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-09-15 mm11jpm Grammar Enhancement Page 日本といえばアニメ!アニメといえば…what do you imagine?Word Association Game in Japanese! Word Association Game We had a word association games in class in Japanese which uses ‘AといえばB’ tod […]
2021-09-09 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-12-15 mm11jpm New What the Online Japanese Tutoring can do? Please schedule a FREE trial lesson!
2021-08-06 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-08-29 mm11jpm Grammar Enhancement Page How to distinguish two postpositions ‘は’ and ‘が’ for the topic in noun sentence? How to distinguish two postpositions ‘は’ and ‘が’for the noun sentence? As studying Jap […]
2021-07-15 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-07-16 mm11jpm Vocabulary Using ‘きを つけて’ needs to ‘be careful’ for Japanese ppl? Using ‘be careful’ word needs to be careful? Today, we are going to see how the word ‘ be ca […]
2021-07-13 / 最終更新日時 : 2021-07-15 mm11jpm Vocabulary Why ‘ おげんきですか ‘ to strangers made him upset? One day I had a question from one of my beginner’s student like ‘ Can I use おげんきですか’ to stra […]