日本といえばアニメ!アニメといえば…what do you imagine?Word Association Game in Japanese!

Word Association Game

We had a word association games in class in Japanese which uses ‘AといえばB’ today.

You can place any word you imagine into B which is associated from A. What will you imagine if I said 日本? You imagine Anime? If said Anime, will you imagine ONE PIECE?






As above, using 〜ば forms make a such word association game.

Another way to use ばform in practical

In practical way to use, we use such phrases in speaking when you change topics like:


Mr.A We can’t go anywhere in COVID-19. I want to go travel soon…

Mr.B「コロナといえば、ワクチンは 打ちましたか」

Mr.B Speaking of COVID-19, did you get a vaccine shot?

Mr.C「旅行といえば、Airbnbは使ったことが ありますか」

Mr.C Speaking of travel, have you ever used Airbnb?


Mr.D Speaking of Airbnb, I found a cheap website for the travel.

Does this sound useful?

This is a sample which one of our student wrote.( posting in the website is approved by the student)

ばform exercise

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